Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Chocolate Hazelnut Torte

The We Should Cocoa Challenge for October is Chocolate and Hazelnuts being hosted this month by Choclette.  So my Father's Birthday this month was the perfect time to combine these two ingredients.  Chocolate Hazelnute Torte.

Start with a simple hazelnut cake baked into two layers. 

I then made an italian meringue buttercream, looking beautiful white, light, and glossy.

Added in some melted chocolate.

Sandwiched the chocolate meringue buttercream in between the hazelnut cakes.

Finished with a layer around the whole cake.

I made some modelling chocolate and rolled it out to wrap around the cake.  Also dipped some hazelnuts in toffee for decoration and piped some more chocolate meringue buttercream on top to finish!

Hazelnut Cake

2/3cup plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
pinch salt
150g soft butter
150g brown sugar
4 eggs, separated
1 cup hazelnut meal

Cream butter and sugar then add in egg yolks one at a time.  In a separate bowl beat egg whites until stiff peaks form.  Fold them into the egg yolk mixture.  Sift dry ingredients together and gradually fold into the wet mix. Spoon into two 8 inch cake tins greased and lined.  Bake in moderate oven for 30-45mins or until cooked.  Let cool before decorating.

Italian Meringue Buttercream
Recipe can be found here at Cake Journal  I did a chocolate version melting chooclate and beating it into the buttercream at the end.

Modelling Chocolate
I used 150g of chocolate to 2 tablespoons of liquid glucose.  Melt the chocolate and stir in the glucose until it is just mixed together.  It might help to slightly warm the glucose in the microwave separately so it is easily mixed in. Place in a ziplock bag to cool and firm up. Do not overmix otherwise it will separate and go crumbly.  I still have not perfected it and this was still tricky to work with.  I ended up rolling it out between two bits of baking paper.  Cutting a collar and wrapping the cake quickly. 

Toffeed Hazelnuts
Melt 1/2 cup sugar and 1 cup of water in a saucepan.  Bring to the boil and simmer for approximately 5 mins.  Watch carefully as not to burn you just want a golden toffee colour.  I used wooden skewers to push into the hazelnuts so I didn't burn myself when I dipped them into the hot toffee.  Dip and let to set on a baking paper lined tray.  Once set remove the skewers.


  1. This looks delicious and very professional!

    Wish I could have a taste!

  2. This looks like a torte to die for. You make it sound so simple, but a lot of work has gone into this - wonderful stuff.

  3. Oh my goodness. What a cake! Thanks very much for taking part in this month's challenge with such an impressive treat ;0)
