I thought I would try the zebra cake out again in the attempt to get the layers thicker. I still did not get it the way I would like. I tried out a new recipe http://ovenhaven.wordpress.com/2008/05/11/all-grown-up/, I should have stuck with the one I tried first. I found that the batter for the chocolate layer was too heavy and therefore when baking wants to sink to the bottom and not form nice stripes. I tried to add more flour to the plain batter to compensate but did not add enough. So the product was more of a marble cake effect. This time round I added in pink to the colours.
I will get this zebra cake right! Try try again...
Oh those colors would've looked lovely in zebra stripes. Maybe if you added more batter it would've thinned out the stripes? I dunno! I was going to try a white and pink one today if I get the chance.